Oct 16, 2010

walking down to the street of sydney

Sydney Opera House

hello to all junkies..im back! in order to support usaha-usaha moorni cik seth kita towards travel junkies, so aku post satu entry untuk y'all. sah-sah aku kena rajin contribute idea and experiences since aku sangat2 free now kann!..haha. ye, pic kat atas tu adalah aku - taken by sham - one of buddy yang suka travel jugak. actually that was in year 2008 with another 2 of my friends yang kaki travel. 1st of al, lawa tak topi yg aku pakai tu? fyi, itu dari butik fcuk kat area opera house tu. asalnya aku beli baju je, tapi sebab girls yang jual tu very sweet, di tambah selling skill dia yang sangat2 bagus towards asian tourist macam aku sangatlahhhhhh...mengagumkan! i was given the stereotype thinking before fly to aussie whereby the aussies ni dikatakan bit racist dengan asians. well i guess not all kot, so far experience aku kat sana, everybody treat others very nicely. anyway, since aku kat high school lagi aku memang gila dengan quicksilver and mooks (recently). so traveling to sydney rasa macam pegi berjudi kat las vegas. just imagine, aku spent about almost aud500 for quicksilver and aud250 for mooks sepanjang 2 weeks in australia. tapi kawan2, bear in mind, masa aku travel year 2008, forex was damn cheap whereby aud1= rm2.20! mcm tak percaya kan? compared to now i guess about rm3 kot, to aud1. (cont.)

 *penulis blog nak zzzz..dah jam 1.25 am


  1. Yes aaron, u're right. memula kita d "gebang"kan yg aussie racist kat asian but totally wrong! jgnkan kata butik quiksilver or mooks hatta masuk Chanel ke LV ke, diaorg greet ko baik punya. Ko pegang la try2 la bag ke apa dpn diaorg....x da d marahnya. Malaysia ado? Dapat muka seposen SA ada la....

  2. i guess racism atau discrimation boleh berlaku kat mana2 pun korang. malaysia or not.
